Apprentice Plumber, 36cm




The Worshipful Company of Plumbers wanted to erect a sculpture to commemorate the 400th anniversary of its founding in the City of London and to celebrate the support it gave to plumbing apprentices. This was to be located on the site of an earlier Company Hall which had been demolished in 1863 to make way for Cannon Street Station.

Following a competition organised by Pangolin Editions bronze foundry, a small maquette of an apprentice plumber was decided upon as the model for a larger-than-lifesize sculpture to stand inside the station. It was to be placed on a circle of inscribed slate paying tribute to the Company’s long history.

The apprentice is represented in overalls, watching his master working and holding over his shoulder the next tool required for the job. He is clearly watching intently while also attempting to display, like many of his age, more self-assurance than he actually feels.


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